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Data & Analysis

The following questions are about the data that is collected and how it is analysed, how it is used to make and implement decisions, and how data is used in the offering.

62. What best describes decision-making in your organization?

Mostly based on intuition

Mostly based on facts

Basically facts-based, but sometimes decisions are made on intuition (e.g. to test a hypothesis or to gain time)


Research: Facts beat intuition

There are many indications in favor of evidence-based decision making; not least of which, research shows that it is superior. This HBR article explores the topic further.

63. The extent of data analysis in the organization

Which statement best matches your organization?

Data analysis is not used at all

Data analysis is used sporadically and only patchily in the organization

Data analysis is used continuously but only patchily in the organization

Data analysis is used sporadically but in all parts of the organization

Data analysis is used continuously and in all parts of the organization

64. How well is the data analysis that is done spread within the organization?

Not very well at all. Only the group or unit that analysed the data has access to it. Very well. Everyone who needs it has access to it.

65. What proportion of the data you would like, do you have access to?

None of it All of it

66. Data quality

Starting from your data quality, how easy is it to compare and analyze data?

Very difficult Very easy

67. Analysis systems

Starting from your systems’ quality, how easy is it to compare and analyze data?

Very difficult Very easy

68. Focus on data analysis

Which statement best matches your organization?

Data analysis primarily entails reviewing historical data Data analysis primarily entails predicting and optimizing outcomes

69. To what extent do you use your data to make decisions in real time? (algorithms)

To a very small extent To a very large extent