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Excellent! Halfway there now. Keep going and stay focused, and you’ll soon find out how your company is doing.

The following questions are about your infrastructure, i.e. the information technology (IT) you have to support the organization’s processes, and how it is integrated into the offering.

Many organizations outsource a lot of their technical development. However, the questions below should be answered whether this is done in-house or externally.

52. Our infrastructure is built to support our core operation in the best way.

No, hardly at all Yes, very much so

53. Infrastructure mapping

Which statement best matches your organization?

We have no mapping or plan for our infrastructure

We have mapped our existing infrastructure but have no plan for its development

We have not mapped our existing infrastructure but we have a plan for its development

We have mapped our existing infrastructure and we have a plan for its development

54. The organization’s Technical debt

Which statement best matches your organization?

We have a high technical debt We have a low technical debt

55. The infrastructure’s general performance

Which statement best matches the way your organization and/or external users perceive your services and systems?

They are very slow and are often down They are very fast and stable

56. In-house vs. external solutions

Knowing when to develop in-house and when to bring in an external solution is important in finding the right balance between flexibility, performance and cost. Which statement best matches your organization?

We don’t know when to build in-house and when to source a solution externally

We know when to build in-house and when to source externally, but we don’t have a good balance at present

We know when to build in-house and when to source externally, and we have a good balance at present

57. Cloud services

Which statement best matches your organization?

We never use cloud services We always use cloud services when we can see it is possible

Are you aware of the benefits of the cloud?

Check out this short BT commercial about the benefits of cloud services and what to keep in mind when making the decision.

Are you aware of the benefits of the cloud?

Check out this short BT commercial about the benefits of cloud services and what to keep in mind when making the decision.

Are you aware of the benefits of the cloud?

Check out this short BT commercial about the benefits of cloud services and what to keep in mind when making the decision.

Are you aware of the benefits of the cloud?

Check out this short BT commercial about the benefits of cloud services and what to keep in mind when making the decision.

58. The infrastructure’s modularity and interfaces

Which statement best matches your organization?

Our infrastructure is not module-based, and it is hard for external systems to communicate with ours

Our infrastructure is module-based, but it is hard for external systems to communicate with ours

Our infrastructure is module-based, and external systems can easily communicate with ours (open APIs)


Modularity means flexibility

In modular infrastructure, individual components may be replaced without major impact on other parts of the infrastructure. Different components are communicating via APIs. Watch the video on how APIs work.

Open APIs mean faster development

An open API provides an external developer with programmatic access to build services that interacts with your software application. Got it? If not, watch the video and let us explain it in really easy terms.

59. The development process: linear or agile processes?

Which statement best matches your organization?

We generally develop in linear waterfall processes We generally develop in a test-driven, agile way

Be agile - achieve more successful projects

Work in an agile manner, i.e. have flexibility and be fast moving. This is necessary as it is next to impossible to predict where the market is heading. Long-term plans may have to be replaced, or at least be realigned with new insight that we gain along the way. The foundation for the Agile Manifesto was laid out in 2001. The picture shows a simple Kanban board.

Be agile- achieve more successful projects

Work in an agile manner, i.e. have flexibility and be fast moving. This is necessary as it is next to impossible to predict where the market is heading. Long-term plans may have to be replaced, or at least be realigned with new insight that we gain along the way. The foundation for the Agile Manifesto was laid out in 2001. The picture shows a simple Kanban board.

Be agile- achieve more successful projects

Work in an agile manner, i.e. have flexibility and be fast moving. This is necessary as it is next to impossible to predict where the market is heading. Long-term plans may have to be replaced, or at least be realigned with new insight that we gain along the way. The foundation for the Agile Manifesto was laid out in 2001. The picture shows a simple Kanban board.

Be agile- achieve more successful projects

Work in an agile manner, i.e. have flexibility and be fast moving. This is necessary as it is next to impossible to predict where the market is heading. Long-term plans may have to be replaced, or at least be realigned with new insight that we gain along the way. The foundation for the Agile Manifesto was laid out in 2001. The picture shows a simple Kanban board.

Be agile- achieve more successful projects

Work in an agile manner, i.e. have flexibility and be fast moving. This is necessary as it is next to impossible to predict where the market is heading. Long-term plans may have to be replaced, or at least be realigned with new insight that we gain along the way. The foundation for the Agile Manifesto was laid out in 2001. The picture shows a simple Kanban board.

Be agile- achieve more successful projects

Work in an agile manner, i.e. have flexibility and be fast moving. This is necessary as it is next to impossible to predict where the market is heading. Long-term plans may have to be replaced, or at least be realigned with new insight that we gain along the way. The foundation for the Agile Manifesto was laid out in 2001. The picture shows a simple Kanban board.

60. Automation in the infrastructure’s setup, configuration and monitoring

Which statement best matches your organization?

Very low degree of automation Very high degree of automation

61. Communication between employees

Which statement best matches your organization?

Communication is often conventional, largely based on phone, e-mail and face-to-face meetings Communication often takes place via more open channels (social services on the intranet, wikis etc.), which means more people can share in the information