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Here are some questions about processes, which are the recurring flows that exist to support the organization in creating and delivering the offering.

43. Attitudes towards process-related work

Which statement best matches your organization?

Why process-related work is important, is unclear in the organization

We understand the importance of process-related work, but are unsure of how to tackle it

We understand the importance of process-related work and know how to work with it


What are processes and why are they important?

A process is a chain of activities that in a repeated flow creates value. (Olof Rentzhog, 1998). See the short video and learn about the importance of processes.

44. Are your processes developed to support your core operation in the best way?

No, hardly at all Yes, very much so

45. How far have you come in your process-related work with a focus on today’s operation?

Which statement best matches your organization?

Ad hoc-based work, the knowledge is in key people’s heads

The processes have some documentation and the work is often done in the same way

The processes are well-documented and are used in all parts (of the organization)

The efficiency of the processes is measured and followed up on an ongoing basis

Measurements are used to improve and automate processes

46. Process-related work, within and between departments

Which statement best matches your organization?

Our processes and working methods work poorly, both within and between departments

Our processes and working methods work well within departments, but poorly between departments

Our processes and working methods work well, both within and between departments

47. Do you have people who are in charge of your processes?

Processes include management, primary and supporting processes.

No, not for any of them Yes, for all important processes

48. Regarding innovation work

Which statement best matches your organization?

We have at best sporadic innovation work

We work continuously with innovation but not in a very structured way

We work continuously with innovation in a clearly defined process, but almost exclusively within the company

We work continuously with innovation in a clearly defined process, both internally and openly (open innovation)

49. How do you work with outsourcing?

We place very little outside of the organization

We have some understanding of what we do in-house and what we outsource, but we do not have a clear plan

We have a clear plan for what we outsource and what we do in-house


Improve focus and efficiencies

Outsourcing parts of the operations, while keeping core business and core competence internally, is often a wise choice. This improves both flexibility and efficiencies.

Improve focus and efficiencies

Outsourcing parts of the operations, while keeping core business and core competence internally, is often a wise choice. This improves both flexibility and efficiencies.

50. How do you work with customer journey mapping?

The customer journey is the journey from the point at which a need arises with the customer, until a purchase is made and on to usage.

We have not mapped the customer journey

We have mapped the customer journey, but have not adapted our processes to it

We have mapped the customer journey and have adapted our processes to it


The customer journey provides real customer insight

Customer journey mapping – prior, during and after the purchase – is central in understanding customer behaviors, including understanding critical steps along the journey. In our interview with Brian Solis he explains why it is important to start mapping the customer journey early. Further, have a look at the video where Megan Grocki talks about customer journey mapping, what it is and how it can be done.

51. How good is the organization at using infrastructure/tools to streamline processes?

Very poor Very good