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Value proposition & Revenue model

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These are some questions about the offering, i.e. the solutions that create values for the organization’s customers and/or other target groups, and the revenue model, which is how a commercial company earns money.

70. Which of the following is closest to your organization’s view of your offering?

Our offering = the product or function we offer Our offering = the total user experience, of which the product/function is only a part

Products vs. user experiences

The user experience is the total experience a person gets when using a product or service. Read about how Trelleborg took the step from product and function, and brought the total user experience into focus: From product to a complete solution.

71. Target group segmentation

Which statement best matches your organization?

We have very little knowledge of our target groups so we don’t divide them into groups

Divided into demographic variables such as age, gender and geography (B2C), or company size and sector (B2B)

Division based on behaviour or needs

Division based on behaviour, needs, interest, values and situations

72. How good a balance do you have in your offering portfolio with regard to the current and future offering?

The balance should be put in relation to changes in the external environment. Major change equals more of a focus on the future offering, and vice versa.

A very poor balance A very good balance

73. What best describes your offering and/or revenue model?

No part of the offering and/or revenue model is digital

The online and offline offering and/or revenue model are completely separate

The online and offline offering and/or revenue model are inter-related

The offering and/or revenue model are not divided online/offline, but are packaged based on what best solves our target groups’ needs

74. Do you use digital technology to improve, complement or defend your existing offering?

No, hardly at all Yes, very much so

75. Do you use digital technology to develop offerings that challenge (cannibalize) your existing offering?

No, hardly at all Yes, very much so

76. What proportion of your target group use your digital offerings (complementary or dedicated)?

The digital offerings do not have to be dedicated, they could also be complementary, such as digital added-value services that support your physical/analogue offering.

We have no digital offerings

Less than 1%





77. How satisfied are the customers or other target groups who have used your digital offerings (complementary or dedicated)?

Not at all satisfied Very satisfied

78. What proportion of your revenue comes from your digital offerings (complementary or dedicated)?

Do you have complementary digital offerings that cannot be reported separately? Count the entire revenue which the total offering (physical + digital) generates.


Less than 1%





79. To what extent is data which the customer can access used to improve the value of the offering?

To a very small extent To a very large extent

80. Do customers/users themselves contribute to the creation of the offering?

No, hardly at all Yes, very much so

From Core to Crowd

One of the three major waves of change in how long-term business models are created according to MIT researchers McAfee & Brynjolfsson in their book Machine, Platform, Crowd: Harnessing our Digital Future, is how we go from a world where all value is created centrally (think encyclopedias, banks and traditional media) into a new world where value creation and intelligence are decentralized (Wikipedia, crypto currencies/block chain and social media). For those players who are able to unleash force from the many, rather than the few, there is a great opportunity that it also opens the door to the strategy called the Network effect or Winner takes it all. A strategy capable of creating temporary monopolies and market leaders who are hard to beat. (examples are Facebook, Ebay and Amazon)

From Core to Crowd

One of the three major waves of change in how long-term business models are created according to MIT researchers McAfee & Brynjolfsson in their book Machine, Platform, Crowd: Harnessing our Digital Future, is how we go from a world where all value is created centrally (think encyclopedias, banks and traditional media) into a new world where value creation and intelligence are decentralized (Wikipedia, crypto currencies/block chain and social media). For those players who are able to unleash force from the many, rather than the few, there is a great opportunity that it also opens the door to the strategy called the Network effect or Winner takes it all. A strategy capable of creating temporary monopolies and market leaders who are hard to beat. (examples are Facebook, Ebay and Amazon)

From Core to Crowd

One of the three major waves of change in how long-term business models are created according to MIT researchers McAfee & Brynjolfsson in their book Machine, Platform, Crowd: Harnessing our Digital Future, is how we go from a world where all value is created centrally (think encyclopedias, banks and traditional media) into a new world where value creation and intelligence are decentralized (Wikipedia, crypto currencies/block chain and social media). For those players who are able to unleash force from the many, rather than the few, there is a great opportunity that it also opens the door to the strategy called the Network effect or Winner takes it all. A strategy capable of creating temporary monopolies and market leaders who are hard to beat. (examples are Facebook, Ebay and Amazon)

Från Core till Crowd

En av de tre stora förändringsvågorna i hur långsiktiga affärsmodeller skapas enligt MIT-forskarna McAfee & Brynjolfsson i deras bok Machine, Platform, Crowd: Harnessing our Digital Futureär hur vi går från en värld där allt värde skapas centralt (tänk encyklopedier, banker och gammelmedia) till en ny värld där värdeskapandet och intelligensen är decentraliserad (wikipedia, kryptovalutor/blockkedjan och sociala medier). För de aktörer som förmår att skapa kraft ur de många, snarare än de få, bor en stor möjlighet som också öppnar dörren till den grundläggande strategi som kallas Nätverkseffekten eller Winner takes it all. En strategi som förmår att skapa temporära monopol och marknadsledare som är svåra att rucka på. (exempel är Facebook, Blocket och Amazon)

From Core to Crowd

One of the three major waves of change in how long-term business models are created according to MIT researchers McAfee & Brynjolfsson in their book Machine, Platform, Crowd: Harnessing our Digital Future, is how we go from a world where all value is created centrally (think encyclopedias, banks and traditional media) into a new world where value creation and intelligence are decentralized (Wikipedia, crypto currencies/block chain and social media). For those players who are able to unleash force from the many, rather than the few, there is a great opportunity that it also opens the door to the strategy called the Network effect or Winner takes it all. A strategy capable of creating temporary monopolies and market leaders who are hard to beat. (examples are Facebook, Ebay and Amazon)

From Core to Crowd

One of the three major waves of change in how long-term business models are created according to MIT researchers McAfee & Brynjolfsson in their book Machine, Platform, Crowd: Harnessing our Digital Future, is how we go from a world where all value is created centrally (think encyclopedias, banks and traditional media) into a new world where value creation and intelligence are decentralized (Wikipedia, crypto currencies/block chain and social media). For those players who are able to unleash force from the many, rather than the few, there is a great opportunity that it also opens the door to the strategy called the Network effect or Winner takes it all. A strategy capable of creating temporary monopolies and market leaders who are hard to beat. (examples are Facebook, Ebay and Amazon)